Monday, March 22, 2010

The Asthma Foundation: "Flu vaccine is important"

The Asthma Foundation strongly recommends that people with asthma and other respiratory illnesses are immunised with the combined swine flu/seasonal flu vaccine, now available through GP's surgeries. Influenza vaccination is one of the few preventive measures known to save lives in people with chronic lung diseases.

1 comment:

  1. In the last twelve months, multiple studies have shown a connection between Vitamin D and asthma. Initially, studies demonstrated that Vitamin D deficiency may be a significant causative factor in the development of the condition. More recently, clinical trials have shown that those with higher Vitamin D levels show an improved patients response to standard asthma treatments and Vitamin D supplements significantly reduce the number and severity of asthmatic attacks in children. You can see a summary of this information at Most of us have been shown to have insufficient levels of vitamin D and the American Society of Pediatricians recently doubled the daily recommended intake
